Ricky Ian Gordon

Ricky Ian Gordon’s credits include: Rappahannock County; librettist, Mark Campbell, Virginia Opera, Sycamore Trees, Signature Theatre, Green Sneakers, Bravo! Vail Valley Music Festival, The Grapes of Wrath; librettist, Michael Korie, Minnesota, Utah, and Pittsburgh Opera, Carnegie Hall, Orpheus and Euridice (OBIE Award) Lincoln Center, My Life With Albertine, with Richard Nelson, Playwrights Horizons (AT&T Award), Dream True, with Tina Landau, Vineyard Theater (Richard Rodgers Award), The Tibetan Book Of The Dead; librettist, Jean Claude Van Itallie, Houston Grand Opera, Only Heaven, with Langston Hughes, Encompass Opera, and an operatic monologue Night Flight To San Francisco, for soprano Renee Fleming, and orchestra. His songs have been recorded and performed by such artists as Ms. Fleming, Audra McDonald, Kristin Chenoweth, Frederica Von Stade, Dawn Upshaw, and many others. Upcoming projects include operas for The Metropolitan Opera with librettist Lynn Nottage, and an opera of Giorgio Bassani’s The Garden of the Finzi-Continis with Michael Korie. After Mr. Gordon’s Lincoln Center American Songbook, entitled “Bright Eyed Joy,” the New York Times noted, “If the music of Ricky Ian Gordon had to be defined by a single quality, it would be the bursting effervescence infusing songs that blithely blur the lines between art song and the high-end Broadway music of Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim…It’s caviar for a world gorging on pizza.”

OPERA America/Opera.ca Grants Awarded
Click here to learn more about OPERA America granting programs.
The Opera Fund: Repertoire Development2016
New Works Sampler 2016
The Opera Fund: Audience Development 2015
The Opera Fund: Repertoire Development2013
The Opera Fund: Audience Development 2007
The Opera Fund: Repertoire Development2006
The Opera Fund: Repertoire Development2003

Click company name to view productions details.
Opera Theatre of Saint LouisThis House5/31/2025 - 6/29/2025
Opera Grand RapidsThe Tibetan Book of the Dead2/9/2024 - 2/10/2024
National Yiddish Theatre FolksbieneThe Garden of the Finzi-Continis1/27/2022 - 2/6/2022
Opera Las VegasThe House without a Christmas Tree11/19/2021 - 11/21/2021
Beth Morrison ProjectsEllen West1/14/2020 - 1/19/2020
Opera Montana2710/11/2019 - 10/13/2019
Opera SaratogaEllen West6/30/2019 - 7/30/2019
Detroit OperaThe Grapes of Wrath5/11/2019 - 5/19/2019
Opéra de MontréalTwenty-Seven3/23/2019 - 3/31/2019
On Site OperaMorning Star3/21/2018 - 3/25/2018
Detroit OperaTwenty-Seven3/10/2018 - 3/11/2018
Houston Grand OperaThe House without a Christmas Tree11/30/2017 - 12/17/2017
Opera Theatre of Saint LouisThe Grapes of Wrath5/27/2017 - 6/25/2017
Opera BirminghamOrpheus & Euridice3/11/2016 - 3/13/2016
Cincinnati OperaMorning Star6/30/2015 - 7/19/2015
Chicago Opera TheaterA Coffin in Egypt4/25/2015 - 5/3/2015
Opera Theatre of Saint Louis276/14/2014 - 6/29/2014
Opera PhiladelphiaA Coffin in Egypt6/6/2014 - 6/15/2014
Houston Grand OperaA Coffin in Egypt3/3/2014 - 3/21/2014
Opera Theatre of Saint LouisTwenty-Seven6/6/2013 - 6/29/2013
Anchorage OperaThe Grapes of Wrath11/5/2011 - 11/5/2011
Long Beach OperaOrpheus & Euridice6/6/2010 - 6/13/2010
MasterVoicesThe Grapes of Wrath3/22/2010 - 4/17/2024
Opera PacificThe Grapes of Wrath1/1/2009 - 1/31/2009
Pittsburgh OperaThe Grapes of Wrath11/11/2008 - 11/22/2008
Long Leaf OperaOrpheus & Euridice6/6/2008 - 6/29/2008
Nautilus Music-TheaterOrpheus & Euridice4/4/2008 - 4/27/2008
Long Beach OperaOrpheus & Euridice2/2/2008 - 2/19/2008
Utah Symphony | Utah OperaThe Grapes of Wrath5/5/2007 - 5/20/2007
Minnesota OperaThe Grapes of Wrath2/2/2007 - 2/18/2007
Seagle FestivalMorning Star7/7/2006 - 7/29/2006
Encompass New Opera TheatreOnly Heaven1/11/2001 - 2/4/2001
Encompass New Opera TheatreOnly Heaven1/1/2001 - 1/31/2001
Vineyard TheatreDream True! My Life with Vernon Dexter3/3/1999 - 3/31/1999
Houston Grand OperaThe Tibetan Book of the Dead5/1/1996 - 6/1/1996
Encompass New Opera TheatreOnly Heaven3/30/1995 - 4/9/1995
Opera OmahaAutumn Valentine9/1/1992 - 9/20/1992

Artist Information

All information is derived from OPERA America's Season Schedule of Performances and titles databases which date back to 1991. OPERA America is constantly updating this data. If you feel that a work or an artist has been omitted or that information is incorrect, please use the linked forms below.
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