Melissa Hui

Melissa Hui is a Chinese-Canadian composer and pianist. She was born in 1966 in Hong Kong and currently resides in Montreal where she has been a faculty member at McGill University since 2010. Notable works by this artist include and blue sparks burn(2002) for violin and piano, Common Ground (1993) for orchestra, and San Rocco (1991) for oboe d'amore, SATB chamber choir, and chimes.

Aside from her extensive list of chamber music compositions, Hui has also written a number of orchestral and choral works for larger ensembles. Notable orchestral works include Between You (1992), Common Ground (1993), and Aljira (1995) commissioned by the Vancouver, Winnipeg, and Oregon Symphonies, respectively. Among some of Hui's few larger-scale choral pieces are San Rocco (1991), Night on Earth (2001), and the more recent Pax (2019), all of which include non-vocal instrumental parts in addition to the foundational SATB parts in their scoring.

Among the other memorable works from Hui's collection of chamber music compositions is and blue sparks burn (2002) for violin and piano. Commissioned by the Music Teacher's Association of California's program, "Friends of Today's Music", this piece is noted by Hui herself as a commentary from her point of view on the tragic events of September 11, 2001.

Speaking in Tongues(1993) and Foreign Affairs(1994) are two more of Hui's chamber works that are both notable in that they call for a larger ensemble of fifteen parts in their instrumentation. These two works were followed by Lacrymosa (1996), which calls for a soprano vocalist in its scoring, and Woman: Songs on poems by Sandra Cisneros (1997), featuring a mezzo-soprano among the flute, viola, and cello parts. As the name of the latter work implies, this piece is set to the words of a handful of Sandra Cisneros' poems, including “Loose Woman”, which, in an effort to evoke a bold sense of femininity, Hui set to music inspired by a burlesque dance scene from the Broadway musical, “Sweet Charity”. Additionally, in 1998 Melissa Hui wrote the score to the Oscar-nominated short film, "Sunrise Over Tiananmen Square", which was directed by Shui-Bo Wang.

OPERA America/Opera.ca Grants Awarded
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Opera Fund/Canadian Opera Creation Fund2008
Opera Fund/Canadian Opera Creation Fund2007

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Soundstreams CanadaPimooteewin (The Journey)11/13/2019 - 11/17/2019

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Pimooteewin (The Journey)

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