Catherine Reid

Catherine Reid is a composer, music director, arranger, orchestrator, mother, teacher, gardener, pianist, and painter with shamanic tendencies. She recently retired as a music teacher at Lake George High School to focus more on creating music and musical events (and gardening, painting, meditating, being, etc.). Except for 16 years in NYC, four in Boston, and two in Hartford, she has lived in Glens Falls, New York. Catherine has two amazing children (Leo and Lucy), a cat (Sofia) and a house she loves (unnamed) with a nice new garage.

Much of her life's work has been an attempt to musically capture the essence of visual and spoken artworks and to explore the many ways music is related to these and other arts - such as rhythm as it relates to pattern or to the spoken word, the 'story' of the artwork, musically capturing the mood of a poem or piece of art, notes as brush strokes, harmony as color, musical versus visual or spoken textures, the arc of a dancer's body as it relates to music, etc. Catherine's favorite mode of creating music is through collaboration, whether it be with a lyricist, singer, or other composer or with a group of musicians.

There are no productions for this artist in the Season Schedule of Performances which currently only dates back to 1991.

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