Tobin Stokes

Tobin recieved a university degree in classical and Latin percussion and explored computer music, while playing drums and keyboards in rock bands, and performing as a choral singer, jazz pianist and vibraphonist. He settled into full-time freelance composing twenty years ago. Based on Canada's west coast, he now writes for film, opera, orchestra, choir, television, theatre, dance, chamber ensembles, soloists, and large events. ? He's been commissioned by the 2010 Olympics, the Victoria Symphony, the Elektra Women's Choir, CBC Radio, the XV Commonwealth Games, Ballet British Columbia, and more. He has scored films and film series for the BBC, Eden Channel, CBC, ABC (Australia), with distribution to many other networks, feature theatres and film festivals in countless countries. His choral works are performed regularly in various countries and are published in Canada, USA, and France. Choral and orchestral writing, along with extensive theatre collaborations as a performer, music director, sound designer, arranger and composer, have all led to a love in creating opera. He has been commissioned by the Annenberg Foundation/Explore.org and City Opera Vancouver and is involved in a number of new opera and music theatre projects, some as composer, and others as composer/librettist. Tobin is a former Composer In Residence with the Victoria Symphony (Canada), the International Choral Kathaumixw Festival (Canada), the Urban Youth Choir Festival (Sweden), and the Symphony Orchestra and Academy of the Pacific (Canada), He is currently Composer In Residence for the Pacific Region International Symphony Music Academy (Canada) and Music Director for The Other Guys Theatre Company (Canada).

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Pacific Opera VictoriaRattenbury11/3/2017 - 11/12/2017

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