Heinz Reichert

Heinz Reichert (A.k.a. Heinrich Blumenreich) was Austrian librettist, born 27 December 1877 in Vienna, Austria, died 16 November 1940 in Los Angeles, California, USA. Reichert wrote libretti used by composers Franz Schubert, Giacomo Puccini, Franz Lehár, and Johann Strauss II.

Click company name to view productions details.
Washington Concert OperaLa rondine4/7/2024 - 4/7/2024
Metropolitan OperaLa rondine3/26/2024 - 4/20/2024
Opera on the JamesLa rondine11/10/2023 - 11/12/2023
Mobile OperaLa rondine3/24/2023 - 3/26/2023
Delaware Valley OperaLa rondine6/9/2019 - 6/15/2019
Pocket OperaLa rondine4/28/2019 - 5/5/2019
Minnesota OperaLa rondine10/6/2018 - 10/14/2018
Opera San JoséLa rondine11/11/2017 - 11/26/2017
Opera Company of BrooklynLa rondine9/12/2015 - 9/12/2015
Opera Theatre of Saint LouisLa rondine5/30/2015 - 6/28/2015
Metropolitan OperaLa rondine1/1/2013 - 1/26/2013
Des Moines Metro OperaLa rondine6/6/2012 - 7/14/2012
Florida Grand OperaLa rondine1/1/2012 - 2/4/2012
Opera San JoséLa rondine4/4/2010 - 5/9/2010
Opera TampaLa rondine4/4/2010 - 4/25/2010
Metropolitan OperaLa rondine1/1/2009 - 12/12/2008
Los Angeles OperaLa rondine6/6/2008 - 6/28/2008
Detroit OperaLa rondine4/4/2008 - 4/26/2008
Sarasota OperaLa rondine3/3/2008 - 4/12/2008
Lyric Opera San DiegoLa rondine11/10/2007 - 11/17/2007
San Francisco OperaLa rondine11/9/2007 - 11/28/2007
Curtis Institute of MusicLa rondine3/3/2007 - 4/4/2007
Curtis Institute of MusicLa rondine3/3/2007 - 4/4/2007
Lyric Opera San DiegoLa rondine2/2/2007 - 2/18/2007
Dallas OperaLa rondine1/1/2007 - 2/2/2007
Utah Symphony | Utah OperaLa rondine1/1/2006 - 1/22/2006
New York City OperaLa rondine9/1/2004 - 10/1/2004
Opera Company of BrooklynLa rondine6/1/2003 - 6/7/2003
Boston Lyric OperaLa rondine3/3/2003 - 4/8/2003
University of Missouri-Kansas CityLa rondine11/11/2002 - 11/23/2002
Atlanta OperaLa rondine5/4/2002 - 5/5/2002
Chautauqua OperaLa rondine7/7/2000 - 7/10/2000
Los Angeles OperaLa rondine4/4/2000 - 5/5/2000
Sarasota OperaLa rondine2/2/1999 - 3/26/1999
Des Moines Metro OperaLa rondine6/6/1997 - 7/13/1997
Opera Theatre of Saint LouisLa rondine5/30/1996 - 6/25/1996
Curtis Institute of MusicLa rondine4/1/1996 - 4/27/1996
Hispanic-American Lyric TheatreLa rondine12/3/1995 - 12/3/1995
New York City OperaLa rondine3/1/1995 - 3/23/1995
New York City OperaLa rondine10/1/1993 - 10/29/1993

Artist Information

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La rondine

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