Jose Alba Rodriguez


José Alba Rodríguez is a multifaceted writer fueled by a lifelong passion for drama and storytelling. With degrees from West Chester University of Pennsylvania and New York University, José's artistry spans opera, musical theatre, poetry, screenwriting, and playwriting. His works have graced prestigious stages like Lincoln Center, The Lucile Lortel Theatre, NYU, and The Kennedy Center, earning a Washington National Opera commission. Praised for his vivid characterizations, humanistic approach, and ability to create convincing chemistry between characters, José's writing explores the complexities of the human experience with a fresh voice. His libretto for A Way Forward was commended for its: "Vivid characterizations" and "lovely detail and realism" (The Washington Post), "Humanistic family drama" with characters that "leap off the stage" and are "more than archetypes" (Twin Cities Arts Reader), "Seeks to highlight the scene of a Mexican family bakery, a culture rarely featured in mainstream opera" and is "a modern solution worth singing about, even as it reflects its culture" (BroadwayWorld). A member of the Dramatist Guild, José brings unique perspectives and energy to the stage and screen, earning high praise from critics and audiences.

There are no productions for this artist in the Season Schedule of Performances which currently only dates back to 1991.

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A Way Forward

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