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Les contes d'Hoffmann
Composer:Jacques Offenbach
Librettist:Jules BarbierMichel Carré

Click company name to view productions details.
Metropolitan OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann9/26/2017 - 10/28/2017
Metropolitan OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann1/12/2015 - 3/21/2015
Edmonton OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann2/2/2013 - 2/7/2013
West Bay OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann10/12/2012 - 10/21/2012
Opera Company of BrooklynLes contes d'Hoffmann3/2/2012 - 3/2/2012
Metropolitan OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann9/9/2010 - 10/19/2010
Metropolitan OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann1/1/2010 - 12/29/2009
Boston Lyric OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann11/9/2008 - 11/17/2008
Metropolitan OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann2/2/2008 - 3/3/2008
San Francisco Lyric OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann9/9/2007 - 9/29/2007
New National Theatre, TokyoLes contes d'Hoffmann11/1/2005 - 12/1/2005
Opéra de QuébecLes contes d'Hoffmann5/1/2005 - 5/21/2005
Baltimore Opera CompanyLes contes d'Hoffmann4/1/2005 - 4/30/2005
Opera Lyra OttawaLes contes d'Hoffmann4/1/2005 - 4/9/2005
Wichita State University Opera TheatreLes contes d'Hoffmann3/1/2005 - 3/13/2005
Metropolitan OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann1/1/2005 - 12/29/2004
Maryland OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann5/1/2004 - 5/9/2004
Los Angeles OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann11/11/2002 - 12/20/2002
Detroit OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann6/3/2001 - 6/10/2001
Sarasota OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann2/2/2001 - 3/27/2001
Opera PacificLes contes d'Hoffmann4/4/2000 - 4/23/2000
McGill University Les contes d'Hoffmann1/1/2000 - 1/29/2000
Metropolitan OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann1/1/2000 - 2/19/2000
Utah Festival OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann7/7/1999 - 7/31/1999
Florida Grand OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann2/2/1999 - 2/27/1999
Opera PhiladelphiaLes contes d'Hoffmann11/11/1998 - 11/21/1998
New York City OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann3/3/1998 - 3/28/1998
Metropolitan OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann1/30/1998 - 3/6/1998
San Francisco OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann11/11/1996 - 12/12/1996
New York City OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann11/9/1996 - 11/11/1996
Opera AustraliaLes contes d'Hoffmann9/1/1996 - 11/1/1996
New York City OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann3/3/1996 - 3/29/1996
Teatro Municipal De SantiagoLes contes d'Hoffmann6/6/1995 - 6/22/1995
Opéra de MontréalLes contes d'Hoffmann4/1/1994 - 5/1/1994
Boston Lyric OperaLes contes d'Hoffmann3/1/1992 - 3/17/1992

Title Information

All information is derived from OPERA America's Season Schedule of Performances and titles databases which date back to 1991. OPERA America is constantly updating this data. If you feel that a work or an artist has been omitted or that information is incorrect, please use the linked forms below.
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Approximate Runtime (hh:mm)

Number of Acts
3 + prologue & epilogue

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