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The Palace (Palatsi)
Composer:Aulis Sallinen
Librettist:Hans Magnus EnzensbergerIrene Dische
It is early morning in the hall of the palace. Petruccio and Ossip, confidants of the King are discussing why he has not left his bedchamber for three days. Courtiers enter and sing a traditional morning song. Ossip eventually decides to go and see the King but is prevented by Valmonte. Valmonte sends in the ruler's doctor. The Pillow Bearer, Keeper of the Purse and Executioner also voice their concerns over the King's absence. The situation also perturbs the courtiers, who are instructed by Valmonte to get continue with their work.

Act 1
Three days later, Petruccio rehearses the courtiers for the traditional morning hymn. Valmonte approaches him, and asks how he may gain advancement at the court; Petruccio agrees to assist him and praises Valmonte when he sees Ossip. The latter however, is very suspicious of the new arrival. The Cuckoo sets out the rota of the morning ceremonies at the palace. The King (or Bassa) enters with Queen Constance, and the court sings the morning song. The King only speaks through the voice of Constance, fearing his own words. When he learns that Valmonte has new skills acquired from abroad – such as being able to read the stars – the Bassa makes him Keeper of the Imperial Door and Secretary of Future Affairs. Constance is also fascinated by the newcomer.

Act 2
In the palace gardens later the same day Petruccio and Ossip are plotting to obtain favours from the King and criticizing each other. Kitty, a lady-in-waiting and Ossip's wife, is bored with her husband. Constance is also tired of the dreary life in the palace and having to be the voice of her husband. Valmonte tells her about the freedom and pleasures outside and suggests that she flee with him. Constance hesitates, as she is afraid of the unknown world outside the Palace. Kitty sets out a plan for her and Constance to escape from the palace during the feast that day by mingling in the crowd of beggars. The King overhears their conversation.

Act 3
Later, the beggars are allowed in through the gates according to custom for the evening feast, and they beat on their plates for food. The King, disguised as one of them, sings a song to try to convince the Queen to remain in the palace. Ossip, not recognizing the King in disguise, believes him to be a troublemaker and orders the King to be arrested and beaten. As the beggars are sent away from the palace Constance and Kitty flee. The main gates of the palace are then shut and quiet descends, the Royal bedchamber doors open and Valmonte emerges, with an escort and bearing the insignia of the autocrat.[6]

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