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Composer:Elliott Carter
Librettist:Paul Griffiths
The opera opens with a car crash involving Mama, her son (the bridegroom), Rose (his bride-to-be), Zen (Mama's former husband), Stella (Zen's girlfriend), and a twelve year-old boy. As the characters regain their speech and come back to life, they struggle to remember who they are, how they are related, and where they had been going. Although they are stranded in a desolate area with little hope of rescue, the adults are too self-absorbed to come together and find a way out of the crisis. They accuse, complain, and even reminisce, but never listen to each other. It takes the child asking the one question that might rescue them all.

Title Information

All information is derived from OPERA America's Season Schedule of Performances and titles databases which date back to 1991. OPERA America is constantly updating this data. If you feel that a work or an artist has been omitted or that information is incorrect, please use the linked forms below.
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Approximate Runtime (hh:mm)

Number of Acts

Musical Style
Comic and whimsical in tone; ranges from edgy and chattering to lyrical; parts reminiscent of Verdi's Falstaff; non-traditional harmony and complex rhythm patterns; contains an orchestral intermezzo

Vocal & Musical Forces
Lyric Soprano, Dramatic Soprano, Contralto, Boy Alto, Tenor, Baritone

Original Cast
Simone Nold (Rose)
Hanno Müller-Brachmann (Harry/Larry)
Hilary Summers (Stella)
William Joyner (Zen)
Lynne Dawson (Mama)
Ian Antal (Boy)

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