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The Three Stories
Composer:Alan Stringer
Librettist:Alan Stringer
The stage represents the bedrooms of three children. A lullaby sing at the beginnin and end of the opera and between the parets' stories ties the opera together. After expressing their love for their children, each parent tells his or her child a bedtime story. The baritone's story is to a very young child. It is a story from Uganda about a young boy who is afraid to try. He runs away and is given good advice by animals he meets. He returns to his village and becomes a great potter like his father. The mezzo-soprano's story is to a "middle" child. It is a story about an invisible serpent who lives in the sky. The invisible serpent is the danger to the world from global warming. Because the child can organize his/her friends, the child is encouraged to become a hero and help the world fight this enemy. The soprano's story is from India and is to the older child. It is a story about a young wife whose child dies. She cannot accept the death and goes to the Buddha for help. Only after seeing how death touches everyone can she move on in her life and become a helpful an compassionate person.

Title Information

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Approximate Runtime (hh:mm)

Musical Style
Tonal; clearly defined arias and ensembles

Vocal & Musical Forces
Soprano, mezzo-soprano, baritone, and piano

Original Cast
George Arellanes, Jr. as narrator, 1st story; Jane Ronca Washburn as narrator, 2nd story; Arana Kalwaic as narrator, 3rd story

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