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Johnny Johnson
Composer:Kurt Julian Weill
Librettist:Paul Green
The time is 1917: A peace rally is interrupted by President Wilson's declaration of war. Johnny Johnson joins up and sails for Europe where he witnesses inhumanity in the trenches, befriends a German sniper, and seeks to promote peace. He releases laughing gas at a High Command conference and, disguised as a general, declares a ceasefire. Arrested, he is sent home to an asylum for the criminally insane where he creates a League of Nations for the inmates. He is lobotomized and set free after ten years. Now considered safe to society, he becomes a toy seller, refusing to stock military wares.

Title Information

All information is derived from OPERA America's Season Schedule of Performances and titles databases which date back to 1991. OPERA America is constantly updating this data. If you feel that a work or an artist has been omitted or that information is incorrect, please use the linked forms below.
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Approximate Runtime (hh:mm)

Number of Acts

Musical Style
Musical theater; popular songs; accessible melodies; parodies

Vocal & Musical Forces
Reed 1: clarinet, Eb clarinet, bass clarinet; Reed 2: clarinet, bass clarinet, alto saxophone, baritone saxophone; 2 trumpets, trombone, Hammond organ (piano), guitar (banjo), timpani, percussion; 2 violins, cello; 2 sopranos, tenor, high baritone, 3 baritones; speaking roles

Original Cast
Original Broadway Cast: Luther Adler, Peter Ainsley, Kate Allen, James Blake, Roman Bohnen, Phoebe Brand, Grover Burgess, Jean Burton, Morris Carnovsky, William Challee, Lee J. Cobb, Russell Collins, Curt Conway, Jules Garfield, Judson Hall, Orin Jannings, Robert Joseph, Elia Kazan, Thomas C. Kennedy, Tony Kraber, Will Lee, Bob Lewis, Paul Mann, Sanford Meisner, Paula Miller, John Most, Ruth Nelson, Joseph Pevney, Herbert RatnerEddie Ryan, Jack Saltzman, Alfred Saxe, Susanna Senior, Art Smith, Eunice Stoddard, Albert Van Dekker

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