October 17, 1997
Blue Opera
Composer:Nancy Binns Reed
Librettist:Nancy Binns Reed
The time is 2000 A.D. Orpheus and Euridice reside in Greek "heaven," the Isle of the Blest. Orpheus, having lost his singing voice, chants in rap. He dreamed that the fragrance from a blue flower would restore his voice. Going down golden stairs to Limbo, he looks for the flower. Receiving advice from three dragons who once pulled Medea's chariot, he goes off on a search. In the next Hell down, D.G. (Don Giovanni) and Medea are appealing for parole or early release from lower Hell up to Limbo. They lose their appeal. Euridice walks down the stairs singing the blues, looking for Orpheus. Orpheus, meanwhile, finds the flower and recovers his singing voice while the entire set trembles in ecstasy. D.G. and Medea trick Euridice and pull her down the hole to lower Hell. The dragons scream for Orpheus; he rushes to the scene, but Euridice has disappeared. D.G. and Medea drag Euridice through Seven Hells, each with differing music. Orpheus starts his descent through seven Hells to rescue her. He finds her in the Seventh Hell and sings to whatever gods there are to fly them from this doom. Not only Orpheus and Euridice, but also D.G., Medea, and assorted others from the lower Hells fly straight up to Limbo.

Title Information

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Number of Acts

Musical Style
Broad range of styles, including classical, jazz, and popular

Vocal & Musical Forces
4 principal singers, 10 secondary singers; chorus; Oboe, trumpet, drum set, timpani; electroacoustic recordings;

Original Cast
Original Cast: Eurydice, Beverly Cosham; Orpheus, Michael Houston; Don Giovanni, Peter Ferko; Medea, Karen Mercedes; Waterman, Steve Metzger; Three Spirits, Shannon Barnes, Carrie House, Leigh Mann; Three Dragons, Mel Downes, Randy Lindgren, Isaac Miller; Gabriel, Ray Dryburgh

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