Synopsis In Venice, Volpone (the Fox) feigns a fatal illness and, with his clever servant, Mosca (the Fly), bilks a trio of avian predators - Voltore, Corvina, and Corbaccio - out of their fortunes by pretending each has been named his heir. The scheme has worked smoothly and very profitably, and Volpone and Mosca are set to flee for Genoa that very evening. But then Volpone begins to lust for Corbaccio's young wife, Celia, Corvina's son Bonario learns of his mother's plan to name Volpone as her heir, and Erminella (the Ermine), a woman with many secrets, arrives in Venice in search of the infant son she left behind thirty years earlier. Through a manic series of plot twists and role reversals, Volpone and Mosca barely escape the law, and make their boat for Genoa in the nick of time.
Title Information
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Approximate Runtime (hh:mm) 02:00
Number of Acts 2