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Composer:Theodore Morrison
Librettist:John CoxTheodore Morrison
Act 1:

Unable to find a hotel room after posting bail during his second trial for 'gross indecency', Oscar Wilde is finally provided with shelter by Ada Leverson, a writer herself and an avid admirer of Wilde's work. Although persuaded by their mutual friend Frank Harris to flee the country, Oscar refuses to leave his family behind and resigns himself to face his accusations. Subsequently the nursery in which Oscar is residing morphs into a farcical courthouse, and Oscar receives his guilty verdict and sentence of two years hard labor. 

Act 2: 

In prison, Oscar is treated cruelly by the Governor, Isaacson, who has made it his personal mission to ensure that all prisoners in his charge are punished as thoroughly as possible. Sick with exhaustion, Oscar collapses during a church service and sustains a head injury, which the warden grudgingly allows him to be treated for. While in the infirmary Oscar commiserates with the sick prisoners and puts his own suffering into perspective. 

Although his friend Frank Harris was unable to secure an earlier release date for Oscar, the tyrannical Isaacson is relieved of his duty and is replaced with a Governor who allows Oscar to have his writing materials and work in the garden. With his release impending, Oscar unsuccessfully tries to gain acceptance into a Jesuit community, but his friend Ada implies that she will take care of him after his release.

OPERA America/Opera.ca Grants Awarded
Click here to learn more about OPERA America granting programs.
New Works Exploration Grants2014
New Works Sampler 2012

Title Information

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