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The Zachary Star
Composer:Marvin David Levy
Librettist:Marvin David Levy
A light-hearted children's musical about young Zachary who, through a series of humorous dreams, learns about life and mortality through the illness of his beloved Grandpa Ben. Zach invents several zany animal characters based on family and friends. Grandpa tells Zach that when he was young he "hitched his wagon to a star," meaning to his hopes and dreams. He says his star is now fading away. Zach takes him literally and thinks he will die without a new star. Big Mama Eagle saw a giant star atop a Christmas tree in New York's Rockefeller Plaza. Can they bring it back to save Grandpa?

Title Information

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Approximate Runtime (hh:mm)

Musical Style
Light opera/ American Musical/ Crossover

Vocal & Musical Forces
Zachary, 11 to 13-year-old boy, Alto Voice; Grandpa Ben, his grandfather/ also as Santa Claus, Baritone (Legitimate); Mirandi, Grandpa's daughter and Zach's mother/ also as Gramma Santa, Soprano (Legitimate); Birdy, Grandpa's adopted younger daughter, Zach's aunt and piano teacher/ also as Colette Amadeus Eaglette, Mezzo Soprano (Comedienne-Pop); Bubba, orange grove farmer/ also as Muckle the Worm, Light Baritone or Baritenor (Comedian-Pop); Petunia, Zach's sister, 13 to 15-year old girl/ also as Honey Suckle Duckle, Dancer, Treble Voice; Children's Choir/ also as Mucklettes, Eaglettes, Ducklettes and Dancing Bananas; 11 to 15-year-old girls and boys, Treble and Alto Voices. Vocal Score with Piano or Electronic Keyboard; Small Ensemble Accompaniment: Flute, Clarinet, Trumpet, Percussion, Electric Guitar, Electronic Keyboard, String Quartet

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