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Gina Farina and the Prince of Mintz
Composer:Steve Liebman
Librettist:Charles Kondek
The Famous Travelling Players have arrived in Volzano, Italy to present a play about Gina Farina. They empty their prop boxes, don their costumes and set up the scenery only to discover that the actress who plays the part of Gina, the famous baker of delicious pies, has vanished. Faced with refunding the audience's money, the Traveling Players allow a young girl, named Gina, who also bakes delicious pies to join their company and the show goes on. Gina convinces her father that she should join the troupe and see the world. She is a determined young girl who has her mind set to adventure. On their way to their next town, the company gets lost. To their dismay, they arrive in Mintz, where they encounter a very demanding and very grumpy Prince. No ine is allowed to say "No" to the Prince, but Gina is not one to bow to silly edicts. She indeed sees the world beyond her home and in the process, she learns about herself and helps the Prince and others learn about themeselves.

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Approximate Runtime (hh:mm)

Number of Acts

Original Cast
Joel Aroeste as Sheldon, Carly Assaela as Actor # 3, David Bunce as the Captain, Kerry Conte as Gina Farina, Sarah Koblenz as the Stage Manager, Tony Hastings as the Prince, Joseph Heaney as Actor # 4, Katie Ann McDermott as Louise, John McGuire as Alistair, Derek Monaghan as Actor # 1, John Romeo as Prime Minister, Ashleigh Smith as Actor # 5, Charles Tunstall as Actor # 2, Joe Quandt as Actor # 6

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