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El Último Sueño de Frida y Diego
Composer:Gabriela Lena Frank
Librettist:Nilo Cruz
Set in 1957, the opera opens in a cemetery, as Mexico celebrates the annual festival of El Día de los Muertos (Day of the Dead). The great muralist Diego Rivera walks among the worshipers as they prepare for the return of the spirits to the world, singing with joy and anticipation. Surrounded by sugar-coated skulls, candles, and fragrant marigold flowers, he longs to see his deceased lover Frida Kahlo once again before he passes on.

In the afterlife, Catrina, the keeper of the souls, approaches Frida, and explains that Diego desperately needs his beloved angel as the seed of death quickly sprouts within him. Moved by the desires of the departed souls she encounters around her, Frida reluctantly agrees to join him in the world above, with the knowledge that the dead can never touch the living. For only twenty-four hours, Frida and Diego will relive their tumultuous love through their paintings, embracing the passion they shared and the pain they inflicted upon one other.

Click company name to view productions details.
Opera OmahaEl Último Sueño de Frida y Diego5/3/2024 - 5/5/2024
Los Angeles OperaEl Último Sueño de Frida y Diego11/18/2023 - 12/9/2023
San Francisco OperaEl Último Sueño de Frida y Diego6/13/2023 - 6/30/2023
San Diego Opera AssociationEl Último Sueño de Frida y Diego10/29/2022 - 11/6/2022

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