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La Alcaldesa
Composer:Laura Jobin-Acosta
Librettist:Sandra Flores-Strand

Felisa Rincón de Gautier was San Juan, Puerto Rico's first female mayor. Known for her motherly affection, she served the city for 22 years. In La Alcaldesa, we show her imagined emotional journey to leadership, as a woman in a male-dominated society.

Act One
Upon learning women will have the right to vote, Felisa shares the news with her father, Don Enrique, but learns that he disapproves of the new law. Her sister, Finí, overhears the conversation and expresses her admiration of Felisa. They discuss how different their lives would be if women were treated as equals. Jenaro, Felisa’s husband and Muñoz, the party leader, plan an upcoming political rally. Muñoz tries to convince him that Felisa should run for Mayor, but he is strongly against it. Felisa enters to inform them that the voters they registered are being bribed by the opposing party. They discuss the challenges they face and dream of a new Puerto Rico. A hurricane is coming and people from the slums flock to her home in search of refuge. When they run out of room, Felisa decides to brave the storm to search for more shelter.

Act Two
While the storm intensifies, Felisa heads to the local school and breaks the lock so people can take shelter. Following the hurricane, Felisa is approached by the men of the committee to step in as interim mayor. She worries that she won’t have the approval of her family, but Jenaro expresses that her actions during the storm prove she is the best candidate. She accepts, but her father doesn’t give his blessing. On the night of her inauguration a celebration takes place. As people dance and sing, Felisa searches the crowd for her father. She sees him and feels comforted. Following her speech, she notices that he has left. Finí informs her that their father is ill. Felisa and Jenaro visit Don Enrique. Felisa says a prayer, meditating on how when good comes, bad follows. Don Enrique wakes and expresses his true admiration for Felisa and her position as mayor. As he dies, she promises to remember everything he has taught her and to always take care of the family.

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