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For All the Rocks Off Brittany
Composer:James Nathaniel Holland
Librettist:James Nathaniel Holland
Here we meet two women, Claudette and Dorigen, who live on the northern, rocky coast of France. They have a special relationship of equal love and respect. (duet 2:16 )Claudette must leave Dorigen for a journey, but vows to return. Dorigen laments the wait she must endure. (aria 7:26 ) Afterwards, a young stranger, Aurelius, stumbles upon her and thinks she is heartbroken. (aria and duet 11:32 ) He sings that he could make her happier, but of course, rejects him. He persists, and so just to get rid of him, still fresh with the perilous rocks that pose a threat for Claudette's safe return, she tells him if he can make all the rocks along the coast disappear, she would gladly be his. Scene 2: ( 16:26 ) Aurelius, sets off to the coastal cave and mysterious workshop of a Magician who he thinks can help him. She tries to discourage him, but sees in the stars that she can grant his request. In return, he must vow to come back in seven years and be her slave. He quickly agrees and the magician indeed makes the rocks disappear. ( 23:12 ) Aurelius runs back to Dorigen, who now is safely reunited with Claudette, and demands that she comply with her 'contract.' Claudette is shocked but encourage Dorigen that if she did make the contract, she should keep it. Dorigen tearfully agrees ( scene 24:32 ) , but Aurelius, seeing how much pain he is causing, tells Dorigen that her debt is no more. ( 28:04 ) He returns to the magician to complete his own promise, and the Magician asks why he has come so early. He tells her, and seeing that Aurelius has shown mercy, he too is free from his promise.

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