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Lisa's Room: A Dream
Composer:Melissa Shiflett
Librettist:Melissa Shiflett

Though they have been developed, the personalities of the characters and the main events remain true to the content of the original dream, upon which Lisa’s Room: A Dream is based.  The exaggeration of the characters (Lisa, Father, Raggedy-Andy, Clown Doll, and the Drum Majorette) is deliberate and the opera develops through a series of juxtaposed scenes which present a kind of dream logic—as opposed to an everyday sequence of explainable and chronological events.  It remains a dream, with certain recognizable dream elements: high energy, unexplained twists, highly symbolic gestures, and adamant, foolish and heroic characters. Vaudevillian antics, marches, the smart and sassy moves of a Drum Majorette, and a play within the play all demand a choreographer and stage director well-versed in natural and theatrical movement styles. In a nutshell, young Lisa ultimately attains a degree of personal autonomy after wading through the obstructions of her Father, and the dizzying inspirations and aspirations of the Dolls and Drum Majorette. The tone of the opera is poignant, absurd and funny.

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