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Richard III: A Crown of Roses, A Crown of Thorns
Composer:Karen Griebling
Librettist:Karen Griebling


After her own funeral Elizabeth of York’s Ghost attends Shakespeare’s Richard III and says that’s not what happened.

Act I

Edward’s father is killed by the Lancastrians. He vows revenge.

Edward defeats the Lancastrians and seduces Lady Eleanor afterward.

Bishop Stillington tells Eleanor that Edward’s marriage to her was a ruse to get her into bed, and that Edward has married Elizabeth Woodville. He advises Eleanor not to make trouble.

Richard practices his swordsmanship while Warwick’s daughter, Anne watches.

Richard admires his Edward. Anne admires Richard.

The news of Eleanor’s death is reported to King Louis of France, the Spider.

Act II

Richard is to lead the vanguard in Edward’s army. He bids Anne an affectionate farewell. Warwick joins the Lancastrians against Edward and is killed. Edward rewards Richard.

George takes Anne prisoner, disguises her as a kitchen maid, and hides her so he can inherit Warwick’s estate. Richard rescues Anne and they elope.

George revelas that Edward is a bigamist and his children by Elizabeth Woodville cannot be heirs to the throne. George is executed by being drowned in a barrel of wine.

Edward challenges King Louis. Louis pays Edward a ransom so he won’t invade France. Rumors about Edward’s bigamy resurface. Richard learns that his brother may not be as honorable as he’d thought.


Richard and Anne, living happily in Yorkshire with their son, are startled by messengers bearing news that Edward is dead and Richard should ride to London.

Buckingham meets Richard on the road, befriends him, and advises him to take custody of Edward’s heir. Elizabeth Woodville takes sanctuary in Westminster Abbey and steals the treasury. Richard convenes a hearing about his brother’s marriages and how they contributed to his death and controversy surrounding the line of succession. Hastings has been plotting with Elizabeth Woodville and others against Richard. The conspirators are executed, witnessed by the terrified princes in the tower, but their mother is spared.

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