The Cape Town Opera Company
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Cape Town Opera, which celebrates its 25th birthday in 2024, is one of the largest performing arts institutions in South Africa, with 60 full-time employees, and is the only continuously active opera company on the African continent. We offer a diverse array of productions annually, including mainstage operas, site-specific performances, touring productions, musicals, and concerts. We cater to audiences of all ages — from captivating shows designed for toddlers to community concerts and educational programs for school learners. Our commitment to creating jobs spans the entire theatre industry, supporting everyone from singers to set builders and fostering the incredible talent found in every corner of South Africa. Our role in championing South Africa’s vocal talent is crucial. We provide support and development opportunities through initiatives like the National Schools Tour, the Foundation Studio for high-school learners and the Judith Neilson Young Artist Program for postgraduate singers, pianists, and conductors. As a recipient of numerous accolades, Cape Town Opera is a torchbearer for excellence within the theatre and arts industry. We are dedicated not only to safeguarding opera as part of South Africa’s cultural heritage but also to providing an aspirational, internationally-recognized and enduring platform for South Africa’s world-class singing talent!

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