The Cape Town Opera Company
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Cape Town Opera, which celebrates its 25th birthday in 2024, is one of the largest full-time performing arts institutions in South Africa and the only permanently active opera company on the African continent. The Company presents a varied lineup of productions each year that include mainstage, site-specific and touring opera productions, as well as musicals, concerts, programmes for young children and community concerts. Cape Town Opera’s commitment to CREATE goes beyond producing world-class performances. With an annual investment of 25% of their annual operating budget, the CREATE programmes strive to enrich the Community, build Relationships, provide Education, expand Access and offer essential Training and Employment opportunities within the theatre and arts industry. Since its inception in 1999, Cape Town Opera has built an impressive global presence. The Company has toured extensively, presenting fully staged productions such as Porgy and Bess, Mandela Trilogy and African Angels in prestigious theatres worldwide. Touring destinations have included Norway, Sweden, Germany, Spain, Italy, France, Monaco, Argentina, South Korea, the Netherlands, the UK, Australia, and China. Cape Town Opera’s recent co-production of The Sound of Music was a sell-out success, with over 120,000 people attending performances. As a recipient of numerous accolades, Cape Town Opera is a torchbearer for excellence, inclusivity and employment within the theatre and arts industry in South Africa. The Company is dedicated to safeguarding opera as part of South Africa’s cultural heritage, a commitment that spans the entire theatre industry, from singers to set builders, fostering the incredible talent found in every corner of the country.

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