The story of Twice Upon A Birthday is an original idea of Frank Schiro and Shawn Churchman's, and follows the magical, whimsical, and sometimes perilous journey of Molly and Michael Montgomery. Molly and Michael are twins who are celebrating their 10th birthday. As typical 10-year-olds, they are not really enjoying being with one another. Their mother, Marla has hired a magician for the event, Mitrovsky. Our charming and somewhat befuddled magician promises wish-granting powers, so with an ancient spell and the help of a solar eclipse, the twins, much to their amazement, are granted their most cherished wishes. Molly is given the ability to fly, and meets up with Alize and Peregrine, two desperately bored clouds with an ulterior motive. Michael is whisked off to a super hero training camp where he meets Metamorpheus, a demanding, shape-shifting super hero trainer, who also has a hidden agenda. The twins get themselves into a lot of trouble, are able to escape and return home as a result of their unbreakable bond as twins, and ultimately learn that what they really value and needed all along was right in their own back yard.