PREMIERE4/16/1851 — Salle Le Peletier (Paris Opera)
COMPOSERCharles François Gounod   
LIBRETTISTÉmile Augier   
Washington Concert Opera
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11/18/2018--Lisner Auditorium
Washington, DC
Place: Olympic Games and on the isle of Lesbos
Time: 6th century BC

Act 1
The Olympic games
Phaon is torn in love between the poet Sapho and the courtesan Glycère, and is teased by Pythéas. Sapho wins the poetry competition from Alcée. Phaon declares his devotion to her.

Act 2
Phaon's villa
Phaon is involved in a revolutionary plot to establish freedom and justice. Pythéas agrees to supply details of the plot to Glycère in return for her favours. Glycère secretly informs the authorities, but deceitfully tells Sapho she will not inform if Phaon leaves Lesbos without Sapho. Phaon arranges to leave Lesbos, Sapho maintaining that she will not accompany him. Her inflexibility causes Phaon to turn to Glycère.

Act 3
A wind swept beach with the setting sun
Phaon, Glycère and the conspirators bid farewell to their country. Sapho has come to bid them farewell but Phaon curses her. Nonetheless she forgives and blesses Phaon, and then commits suicide by leaping into the ocean.
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