Roger Rudenstein

Roger Rudenstein studied music with Fu Yuan Soong and Walter Hilse who taught me to make music that is entertaining as well as artful. He has
composed five full length operas and a musical, of which five have already been performed in New York and New England (Faustus, an updating of the tale to the current age based on Goethe and Marlowe; Azazel, about a Jesus-like rebel; Ulysses, based on the novel of James Joyce; Grace, the first full-length opera about AIDS based on the play by Edward Langlois and
John Carmichael; and Onions, a musical for kids (performed at the Prescott Park Arts Festival). He has also released the first full-length opera to premiere on the Internet: The Devil and
George Bush, followed by The Trial of George Bush.

These received some good reviews when the critics and the stars were in alignment (“gorgeous and rewarding”,”his music mirrors the profundity of Joyce's words”, "Hilarious", "...music that, in the words of Beethoven, 'goes from heart to heart.' "

Rudenstein has a large repertoire of chamber works which reflect his reaction to life, love and the hazards of our precarious times. This part of my work is dubbed The Nightmare of Reason opus and includes my recently-completed piano trio: Salvation Blues wherein we are rescued by Obama only to succumb to disillusionment about his abilities to make things right.

Rudenstein has won the Masterworks of the New Era award twice and has available recordings on the MMC and ERM labels and am composer in residence for South Church, a Unitarian-Universalist institution.

Rudenstein currently lives in Portsmouth, New Hampshire with his wife, Marilyn, and cats, Marshmallow and Huckleberry.

There are no productions for this artist in the Season Schedule of Performances which currently only dates back to 1991.

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