Synopsis Tsipa, a poor taylor's wife, sends The Taylor to the neighboring village to buy a she-goat. As The Taylor returns with the purchase, he stops at his cousin Dodya's Tavern. As they enjoy a drink, The Taylor jokes about Dodya's literary incompetence. In response, Dodya swears to show The Taylor who is smarter. The Taylor returns home. His wife, Tsipa, meets him happily, but soon she finds out, that the goat is "not milkable". The Taylor starts another journey to the seller. On the way he stops at the Tavern to get a drink. As he arrives to the Melamed's home where he made the purchase, he complains that "the goat is not milkable". Thelma, Melamed's wife, gets a bucket and milks the goat in front of the amazed Taylor. To avoid to be beaten up, The Taylor rushes home, again stopping over at the Tavern. At home Tsipa finds that The Taylor again brought a "not milkable goat". That night The Taylor wanders without sleep in the streets. He is convinced, that this is not a goat, but a werewolf, a GILGUL! He tries to escape, but the creature follows him. Totally exhausted and scared, he looses his mind.
Title Information
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Approximate Runtime (hh:mm) 01:12
Number of Acts 1
Musical Style Extended Tonal.