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The Woodlanders
Composer:Stephen Paulus
Librettist:Colin Graham
Little Hintock is a small town, buried deep in the woods and bypassed by civilization. Its inhabitants live a secluded, sheltered life. Their peace and calm is disturbed, however, by the arrival of three newcomers: Edred Fitzpiers, a young doctor pursuing mysterious research; Felice Charmond, a woman of social stature; and Grace Melbury, a woman born and bred in Little Hintock but isolated from the community because of her "foreign" education. Grace has abandoned her childhood sweetheart, Giles Winterbourne, for Dr. Fitzpiers, whom she marries. When Fitzpiers abandons her for Mrs. Charmond, Grace resumes her relationship with Giles. Upon Giles' death, Grace returns to Doctor Fitzpiers. In this sheltered community, secrets abound: Marty South, a woman ignored by Giles except as a fellow-worker, who is silent about her love for him until it is too late and he is dead; Giles, who endures his love for Grace in silence until it is impossible for either of them to take advantage of it, and Mrs. Charmond, who seeks solace in curtained rooms from the pain of frustrated emotions and the passing years. The inhabitants of Little Hintock, The Woodlanders, are like their trees—some are ancient and soon to be cut down, others are younger, but still equally firmly rooted here.

Title Information

All information is derived from OPERA America's Season Schedule of Performances and titles databases which date back to 1991. OPERA America is constantly updating this data. If you feel that a work or an artist has been omitted or that information is incorrect, please use the linked forms below.
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Approximate Runtime (hh:mm)

Number of Acts

Musical Style
Neo-romantic; polytonal; brief fanfare-like exclamations

Vocal & Musical Forces
Two flutes/piccolos, 2 oboes, 2 clarinets, 2 bassoons, 2 French horns, trumpet, trombone, timpani, harp, percussion, strings (8/6/4/4/2); 2 sopranos, 2 mezzo-sopranos, contralto, 2 tenors, 2 baritones, bass-baritone; chorus

Original Cast
Original Cast: John Upjohn, Stephen Kirchgraber; Young Tim Tange, Reginald Unterseher; Robert Creedle, John McGhee; Rob Slatters, Gregory Newton; Tincott, Stephen Morton; Old Tim Tange, Thomas Arnold; The "Boy" and John South, John M. Sullivan; Farmer Cawtree and Barber Percomb, Gordon Holleman; Marty South, Cory Miller; Giles Winterbourne, James McGuire; Grammar Oliver, Joanna Levy; George Melbury, Dan Sullivan; Grace Melbury, Carol Gale; Edred Fitzpiers, Mark Thomsen; Suke Damson, Anne Lindsay McGuire; Mrs. Felice Charmond, Lisbeth Lloyd

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